
Dec. 7, 2022

Email Marketing for Dummies

There are more than 3.9 billion email users and the number is expected to hit 4.48 billion by 2024, nearly half of the world’s population. Over 80 percent of businesses use email marketing to acquire and retain customers. Peo...

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Nov. 30, 2022

Grow by Data: Where to start & what to avoid with Prasanna Dhungel

Data - not always fun, often avoided, frequently misused, and always a critical part of business growth. Prasanna Dhungel is managing Partner of GrowByData, which helps agencies & brand managers maximize visibility, clicks an...

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Nov. 23, 2022

The Shut Down

Work work work, go go go, get as much done as humanly possible, grind, hustle, and move the needle. This works. Until it doesn't. The reality is, we have a lot of stuff we have to get done. Productivity is …

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Nov. 16, 2022

Phillip Powis - Automated Intimacy

People call him the wizard.‌‌ Phil teaches Automated Intimacy at Empire Engineering, and is the Growth Chief at Zen Habits.‌‌‌‌ Building his one-man consulting firm to north of 6 figures/month, Phil Powis has quietly become o...

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Nov. 11, 2022

IKEWID - The Lost Episode

Lost and forgotten for several months, this episode comes back from the darkness with an important reminder. As we move through life and work, we're expected to know what we're doing. Others may assume we have it all figured ...

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Nov. 4, 2022

Leah Kirsch - Slow is Smooth and Smooth is Fast

How do you take the fun creative stuff you loved doing as a kid and turn it into a business. Leah Kirsch, an artist and clothing designer, shares the inner workings of starting a brand out of her apartment in …

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Oct. 27, 2022

The Curse of Halfway

Why is starting so easy, but the latter half seems to feel like trudging up a muddy hill in 120 degree weather? Why do we stop? We know that good things take time. Every overnight success actually took a long …

Episode page
Oct. 19, 2022

Gill Andrews - Copywriting, constraints, and creative rituals

Gill Andrews (all the way from Frankfurt Germany) is a conversion copywriter and web consultant who helps small and medium businesses turn their underperforming websites into slick lead-generating machines. When she’s not wri...

Episode page
Oct. 12, 2022

You Gotta Move

Do you ever get stuck? Maybe you want more clients. Maybe your work isn't evolving. Maybe you're not growing. Or maybe you're overthinking or over planning to the point where nothing actually happens. Listen to this episode i...

Episode page
Oct. 5, 2022

Dylan Schmidt - So you wanna start a podcast...

Dylan Schmidt is the creator of Digital Podcaster and founder of Podcasting Academy. He helps people of all backgrounds confidently share their message with the world. Discover how to use the power of podcasting to grow your ...

Episode page
Sept. 28, 2022

The Pivot Muscle

You've heard, "the only inevitable in life is change." It's not the most exciting reminder, but it is true. Especially when building a business, brand, or shipping creative work. Will you let change derail you? Will it run yo...

Episode page
Sept. 26, 2022

Dr. Michelle Mazur - Manipulative Marketing, It Should Have Been Me, …

Too many businesses drown in the sea of sameness and leave you confused about what it is they actually do. The biggest mistake I see is jumping into marketing and branding without a clear message that resonates with the right...

Episode page
Sept. 15, 2022

What Are You Worth?

This is a subject that we’ve danced around for a year. Finally, we decided to dive in. Money money money moooney, money! (did you sing that…?) Money is SO weird. Value is made up. How do we value ourselves, our …

Episode page
Sept. 10, 2022

Ideas + Community = Income, with Darden Smith

Write songs, tell stories, move people. Darden Smith is an Austin-based singer-songwriter known for his lyrics and for weaving folk and Americana influences with rock, pop, and the musical roots of his home state. He's releas...

Episode page
Sept. 1, 2022

One Year of Podcasting

A year of not yelling. Wow that was fast. Listen to us pat ourselves on the back for 28 minutes :) All seriousness aside, we reflect on a year of podcasting. What was easy, challenging, and surprising about it? What …

Episode page
Aug. 17, 2022

Josh Pruitt - Doing Stupid Things Really Well

Whether he’s fully clothed in a hot tub with his brother filming ‘KumTub with Us’, or traveling the world in search for an illusive vegetable, Josh is always working on something new and different. Josh is a musician, profess...

Episode page
Aug. 3, 2022

No Vacation Goes Unpunished

You ever get back from a trip and easefully dive right back into your normal routine? Us either. It seems like no matter how much preparation we do for a trip, we lose a lot of momentum and struggle to …

Episode page
July 21, 2022

Evan Shank – Which Way Now?

Evan Shank is an email marketing & automations specialist and host of the "Which Way Now?!" Podcast. From being in a band, to serving, to real estate, to fitness, to marketing and email marketing, Evan Shank did not take a …

Episode page
July 7, 2022

An Honest Conversation About Money

This conversation is long overdue. Money is weird. Most of us have or have had screwed up relationships with it. We compare our money to others and attach our self worth and value as a human to this made up …

Episode page
June 22, 2022

Stacy Fischer – Emotions That Work

Most entrepreneurs don’t have business problems, they have emotions disguised as business problems. Stacy Fischer is the creator of the Emotional MBA®, where business basics meet your emotional operating system. She teaches a...

Episode page
June 8, 2022

The Subtle Art of Connection

Why is it that we forget how important relationships and connection are? We’re social creatures. In life and in business, yet we can easily forget that and return to our cave (especially introverts). Today’s conversation is a...

Episode page
May 25, 2022

Susan Gibson – Wide Open Spaces & Creative Constraints

As creatives, we are constantly battling things like expectations, comparison, and perfectionism. Susan, a creative veteran, vulnerably shares her experience with songwriting, touring, and writing one of the most popular coun...

Episode page
May 11, 2022

James Ghareeb - The Future of Music

For better or for worse, music is changing….fast. From vinyl records, to CD albums, to singles on streaming services, and TikTokers who’ve never touched a guitar. Bill and I had way too much fun chatting with James Ghareeb – ...

Episode page
April 27, 2022

You’re not as dumb as you think

"I’ve already hit my peak…I’ve already had my best ideas, best energy, best thinking...look at everyone else doing it way better than me…why am I so bad at this?” Does this sound familiar? Maybe your mind is nice to you …

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